Disegno #27
Disegno #27 includes:
A roundtable about race and the design industry with Where Are the Black Designers?; calorie counting and information design; introducing social activism to fashion with Bethany Williams; empathy as a curatorial approach; Section 230 and censorship on social media; Sky and EA's digital crowd design for the Premier League; wayfinding strategies for transport hubs in the time of Covid-19; woke-washing and the fallacy of branded activism; Kajsa Willner and Seetal Solanki's new translation of plastics; a beheaded Columbus and the problem of monuments; LGBTQ+ rights and poster design in the Polish presidential elections; equity and e-scooters in Los Angeles; upcycling fashion waste with Reet Aus and Alexander Taylor; the physically distanced future of design fairs and biennales; and reflections on globalisation from Theodore Zeldin and Charlie Koolhaas.
Disegno #27
Disegno #27 includes:
A roundtable about race and the design industry with Where Are the Black Designers?; calorie counting and information design; introducing social activism to fashion with Bethany Williams; empathy as a curatorial approach; Section 230 and censorship on social media; Sky and EA's digital crowd design for the Premier League; wayfinding strategies for transport hubs in the time of Covid-19; woke-washing and the fallacy of branded activism; Kajsa Willner and Seetal Solanki's new translation of plastics; a beheaded Columbus and the problem of monuments; LGBTQ+ rights and poster design in the Polish presidential elections; equity and e-scooters in Los Angeles; upcycling fashion waste with Reet Aus and Alexander Taylor; the physically distanced future of design fairs and biennales; and reflections on globalisation from Theodore Zeldin and Charlie Koolhaas.